Here you can see the light gray and the "test stripe" for the accent wall.
And here you can kinda get an idea of what the room will look like with the main color.
I think the gray looks better in person than in these photos.
Right above the closet door, I plan on hanging the fabric embroidery hoops (mentioned here).
I started hunting on ebay and got a great deal a set of hoops. I think I paid $16? dollars for 9 wooden hoops. Considering the larger ones can be $5 on their own, I think it was a decent price (not a steal, by any means... but a good deal)
They came in the other day:
I think I have a can of black spray paint somewhere... if not, I'll get some and paint these a dark gray/black color. I plan on putting pink fabrics on one side and blue fabrics on the other and strategically place them above the closet door. Then when baby gets here- they will be flipped to the appropriate color and viola!
Next week we get our carpet and that weekend we will order our baby furniture. I doubt the furniture will come in before school starts back up, which kinda sucks because I'd like to get the baby room as finished as possible before I go back to work. Oh well, it is what it is.
OH! I remembered I had this book on one of our bookcases. It is one of my childhood favorites! For our baby shower, I think we are going to ask for childrens books in lieu of a card so we can fill the cloth hanging book holders I plan on making.
Which reminds me! We have narrowed down the date for our baby shower- Sept 24th at our house. I am so excited!
I don't think I have much more to blabber on about... that killed about 30 minutes. I guess I could check on Stephen's painting progress or look and fill my baby registry with random stuff to keep me awake.
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